When you have coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and you are caring for your self at home, or you’re caring for a cherished one with COVID-19 at home, you may have questions.

How do you know when emergency care is needed? How long do you need to isolate? What are you able to do to prevent the spread of germs? How can you help an unwell cherished one and manage your stress? Here’s what you need to know.
A home cure for coronavirus is difficult to prescribe. The virus — known as the common cold virus because of its frequent presence in your nose during cold weather — can be very serious. In fact, the home cure for coronavirus is a hospitalization. But that doesn’t mean you need to fear this virus. Those who contract it will almost always make a full recovery with proper care and rest. If you’re wondering how to treat coronavirus at home, read on to learn more about this viral disease, so you can take action fast if you suspect that you have contracted it.
What is Coronavirus?
Coronavirus is a group of viruses that cause the common cold. Most people who contract the virus will experience mild symptoms and fully recover within one week. However, some people can develop very serious health problems as a result of contracting coronavirus. Infection of the lungs and gastrointestinal tract can also occur. Severe symptoms may include diarrhea, vomiting, fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Serious complications from coronavirus, such as infection of the heart, may require hospitalization to treat and monitor the condition.
Coronavirus is a very contagious virus that can be transmitted through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes. The virus can live on surfaces such as bedsheets and door knobs, and can be transmitted from person to person even after the infected person has left the area. Coronavirus can affect anyone, but infants, older adults, people with weakened immune systems and those with chronic health conditions are at higher risk for complications.
What Are the Symptoms of Coronavirus?
Almost all people who contract coronavirus will have symptoms. They might start with a runny nose and then develop a cough, headache and a mild fever. Many people feel better after a few days, but others have a lingering cough that can last for weeks or even months. If you experience any of the following symptoms, you might have coronavirus.
Knowing the symptoms can help you seek medical attention sooner rather than later, so you can get started on the home cure for coronavirus as soon as possible. — Fever – This is often mild, but can spike above 100 degrees. — Headache – This is often accompanied by a stiff neck. — Sore Throat – This may be accompanied by a cough. — Fatigue – You feel sick and want to stay in bed. This is a sign that your immune system is struggling. — Runny Nose—You have a clear or watery discharge from your nose. — Swollen Lymph Nodes – You may feel one or more nodes on your neck or under your arms swelling. — Gastrointestinal symptoms—You have diarrhea, abdominal cramps or vomiting.
Get Tested
Information is empowering and will let you correctly take care of your self and the people around you, so it’s important to get tested if you have any COVID-19 symptoms. Maximum rapid tests for home use and at testing centers are antigen tests and may produce results in approximately 20 mins. Antigen tests stumble on proteins from the virus particles and are typically less sensitive than polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests, so a false negative is viable.
If you have COVID-19 symptoms but check negative on an antigen test, follow up with a PCR test and isolate at home whilst waiting for results. If you can’t get a PCR test, then repeat your rapid antigen test over the next day or to increase your chance of detecting the virus. If you have symptoms and your rapid antigen test is positive, this is commonly sufficient to confirm your contamination and there’s no need to test with a PCR.
Monitor Your health carefully
Keep a detailed log of your symptoms, and contact your medical doctor in case you are getting sicker. Take your temperature at least twice daily and take note of your breathing, particularly in case you feel short of breath simply resting or with minimal activity.
Check your blood oxygen with a pulse oximeter. If it falls below 95%, seek advice from a medical doctor. If it falls below 90%, call 911 or get emergency care immediately. Severe COVID-19 can result in major respiratory problems, and people may require supplemental oxygen.
Is There a Home Cure for Coronavirus?
Unfortunately, there is no home cure for coronavirus. However, there are several steps you can take to help you recover as quickly as possible and reduce your risk of complications. Follow a healthy diet. You should eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins to maintain a healthy immune system.
Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. This can help ease a sore throat and a cough. Rest as much as possible. This will give your immune system a chance to fight the virus and regain strength. Practice good hygiene. Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly. Keep away from touching your nose and mouth together with your hands. Clean any surfaces that can be contaminated with the virus.
Home Care for Those with Coronavirus
If you contract coronavirus, you will likely want to stay home for a few days to let your body recover. Follow these tips to stay healthy during this time. Rest. You may feel as though you’re not accomplishing anything by staying in bed, but you’re actually helping yourself recover faster. Avoid over stimulation. This can cause stress on your immune system and hinder recovery. Drink plenty of water.
This can help prevent dehydration and a sore throat. Live hydrated via eating plenty of fruits and vegetables. These can help cleanse your body of toxins and bacteria. Stay warm. A fever or feeling fatigued can make you feel colder than usual. Wear warm clothing, and keep your home around 68 degrees Fahrenheit (ca. 20 °C).
When to see a doctor for help with treating coronavirus
If you have a high fever, are vomiting or have diarrhea, or you see redness or swelling in one or more lymph nodes, contact your doctor. Also, if you’ve been sick for more than a few days, see a doctor. If you’ve been exposed to someone who has the virus and are experiencing any symptoms, you may also want to see a doctor.
If you’re concerned that you may have contracted the virus, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. Your doctor may prescribe an antiviral medication to help speed up your recovery and reduce your risk of complications.
Coronavirus is a common viral infection that causes the common cold. Unfortunately, it can also cause more serious symptoms, including fever, a sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches and respiratory problems. The best way to prevent contracting coronavirus is through good hygiene. If you or someone in your household contracts it, you can take steps to treat it at home.